Some annoying person once said something like "nothing is worth doing unless it's hard".
First of all, that's a total crock. Lots of things are worth doing and they are fun and easy. Example #1: Blogging. Easy and fun.
Conversely, in the fitness world, easy isn't worth much. You have to keep challenging yourself to keep improving your fitness level. When I started, 20 minutes on an exercise bike at the lowest setting was hell on earth. Now, I would consider that a warm-up (and an easy one at that).
In the fall, I started to run. To this day, I run slightly faster than people who walk fast. That's not really the point though. It's hard and it challenges me...a lot! In January, I ran my first and only (so far) 5k. Shortly after that, I had this persistent pain in my leg that turned out to be a sciatic nerve problem. I did the only I could do to help it heal: rest. So, for 2 months, I didn't run. That doesn't mean that I sat around my house and did nothing. I kept my fitness level up by going to kettlebell class 4-5 times a week.
I went running yesterday morning with a good friend of mine. Évelyne is eighteen and a freaking MACHINE! She is so strong. She amazes me. Anyway, we ran about 4k and then went to our 45-minute kettlebell class. By the way, I slept SO well last night! Today, I decided to go running again by myself. It's such a beautiful day!
I don't remember much from either run. But the one big thing that stands out is how mother freaking hard it was! It was hard before I took a 2-month break. It's even harder now.
From a fitness point of view, that means that it's worth doing.