Thursday 10 May 2012

It's about perspective

I haven't blogged in a while because I've had nothing to say. I haven't lost any weight in like 5 months, which is beyond frustrating. I've also had a minor set back with my elbow. My beautiful physiotherapist (I mean it. He's gorgeous.) dumped me. Not really. What he said was that he didn't think physio was going to help me anymore. Bummer on two fronts: My elbow isn't getting any better AND I don't get to look (stare) at my beautiful physiotherapist for 30 minutes once a week anymore. That being said, I have some hope on the horizon. I have an MRI scheduled in a few weeks. I really hope that it will yield some clues as to why I don't have good mobility in my elbow and why it hurts so much. I need to focus on the fact that my MRI is coming. That way I'm focused on the something more positive.

I probably sound really grumpy and, as I write this, I realize that I might need to get over myself. There are people worse off than me. I learned recently that two good friends of mine are going through something way more difficult than me. If there was such a thing as a 'difficult situation meter', they'd both be way way WAY above me. It makes me cry just thinking about what they are going through and I feel helpless because I don't know what to do to help them.

All this to say that perspective is important. I'm doing ok. In the mean time, I've decided to take a break from 'dieting'. I'm still eating healthy, watching what I put in my mouth and portion control, and exercising. But I'm taking a break from calorie counting. Calorie counting is a bitch, to put it mildly. My mind just isn't up to it right now. Fitness people say: "Listen to you body." Well, my brain is an important part of my body so I'm going to listen to it.

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