Saturday 16 June 2012

I am a what?

A few weeks ago, I blogged about my trepidation regarding my upcoming triathlon. I'm now a week post-triathlon and I've finally come down from the high of completing such an enormous physical effort - for me at least.

I was very nervous as Karine, Évelyne and I set up in the T-zone (triathlon speak for the transition zone between the swimming/biking and biking/running). Here are a few pictures of the T-zone.

Karine and Évelyne posing for the paparazzi (me)

Guess which bike is mine?

I'm a pro self-picture taker

Then, we went to write our bib number on our bodies (seriously). Photographic proof:

Karine really seemed to enjoy this part

Then, we went to check out the water...and I wanted to puke. Not because the water was disgusting but because I was so damn nervous! Then, we went back to the T-zone to start getting ready for the swim portion of the race. Somersault Events (the race organizer) was nice enough to provide the participants with a swim cap. Don't Karine and I look beautiful and sexy in ours???!!!
Karine HATES this picture (but I'm evil so I posted it anyway)

I can't believe I have to wear this ridiculous thing

So, we made our way to the water 10 minutes or so before the start time. Unfortunately (or fortunately - depending on your point of view), there's no picture of me in my wetsuit. I'm glad I had it though because the water was pretty cold.

We only had to swim 200m and originally I thought it would be a breeze. Yeah, it wasn't. Really, I hardly swam. I sort of floated until the finish line. Regardless, I was completely out of breath by the time I got out of the water. I was surprised it was so difficult. I think that, because I was so high on adrenaline and beyond nervous, my body reacted by hyperventilating.

Anyway, I made my way back to the T-zone (where our race time stopped BTW) and changed into my biking/running gear. The girls and I grabbed our bikes and made our way to the course.

Biking was a breeze. It was a beautiful day with very little wind. The road was flat. It took my 28 minutes to bike the 13.3k. All that being said, I realized that if was going to continue doing triathlons, I need a better bike.

Next was the running...Two words: HOLY SHIT! I've run 5k many times. This was the hardest 5k of my life! Thank goodness Karine and Évelyne were running it with me! Without them helping me along, there is no way that I would have continued running. They were an amazing support system. I have great friends.

Évelyne, Karine and I post-race with our medals

When we finally crossed the finish line (all together I might add), I was exhausted but supper proud of myself. My time did not matter (1h 17m). I finished. I was now a triathlete. 225lbs me is now a triathlete. Take that!

I had my own personal cheering section when I crossed the finish line. My parents, my husband and my little guy were there to see it. I was so happy that the most important people in my life were there to see my huge accomplishment.

My little guy with his month full (peanut butter sandwich!)

This was an amazing experience. I still can't believe I did it. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. As I said, I don't think I could have done this without my girls. You rock! C'est beau les filles! On est tough!

Look at our muscles!

On to the next challenge!

1 comment:

  1. you have every reason to be proud of yourself.You have worked so hard to get to this point and seriously if someone were to have told you a year ago that you would take part in a triathlon, you would have busted a gut laughing at them.BUT you did it,and I am super proud of you.I knew you had a few doubts,but I didn't have any at all.I knew that you could do this.You really do ROCK girl!!
