Tuesday 31 January 2012

Plateau to losing 4.5lbs in a week

After plateauing for a whole month, I lost 4.5lbs last week. I just don't get my body.

I wish my body and I could have a heart-to-heart. I think it would go something like this:

Me: "Body, you need to listen to me. I work my ass off. I eat well. Cut me some slack already and shrink, okay?!"

Body: "HAHAHAHA! You're so funny Sarah!"

Me: "I asked nicely! C'mon!"

Body: "I'll think about it..."

A short time later...

Body: "Well, I've thought about it and I've decided that, after a period of reflection (4 weeks), I'm going to give you what you want. BUT, don't get used it. I reserve the right to not act rationally even when you do everything right. Being unpredictable is my strong suit."

Me: (under my breath) "Yes it is..."

My kettlebell instructor Dave keeps telling me that the word plateau is not true in my case. I keep working out and eating right, which means that I'm getting leaner, faster and stronger. He's right and I have to keep that in mind when my body decides to act up...

...the next time! Cause it wil.

Monday 23 January 2012

Plateau, how I hate you

Plateau is a dirty word in Sarah's world. They suck. End of story.

I'm blogging about this because I'm in a plateau right now. This isn't my first, and I suspect that it won't be my last. What I find so frustrating about a plateau is that I don't know why it happens. If I knew what I was doing to cause it, I would stop doing that.

People's comments when you're in a plateau are so helpful! NOTE THE SARCASM If I hear: "Change up what you're doing" one more time, I might puke. Saying that to someone who is working out 5 to 7 times a week and only eats about 1200-1400 calories a day feels like a slap in the face. Change it up how??! Exercise MORE and eat LESS??! Bite me.

Man, that felt good!

Now that my venting is over, I'd like to tell everyone out there that plateaus pass. Each one of mine has in the past and I know it will again. In the mean time though, I'm having a severe motivation problem...plus all I want to do is eat. Not a good combo when you're trying to lose weight.

Being able to vent through this blog is helping me get through it. So are some of my good friend at KTK where I take my kettlebell classes. Thanks for all your continued support! A special thanks goes out to Dave who always seems to know when I need a pep talk.

Monday 16 January 2012

Couch to 5k in January!

I was awesome yesterday! So maybe I didn't win any awards but that doesn't matter. Me and my fat self RAN a 5k yesterday in Richmond, ON (part of the city of Ottawa).

A little history: Maybe about a year ago, my friend Kathleen started running. She had gone through her own weight loss journey over the years and had decided that she wanted to try running. I thought she was nuts! I remember on many occasions saying to Kathleen and a few other people "I will never NEVER run!". It just goes to show that never say never is a pretty accurate expression.

I changed my mind about runnning in the fall of 2011. I don't remember what changed my mind. Maybe I was just looking for another challenge, I don't know. Regardless, I bought some gear and started running.

I used a program called Couch to 5k in 10 weeks. In theory, within 10 weeks, you should be able to run 5k. The problem with Couch to 5k is that it assumes that you will run 5k in 30 minutes by the end of 10 weeks. That's not me, but I knew that when I started.

Week 1 was so difficult! I had to run 60 seconds and walk 90 seconds for 20 minutes 3 times during the week. Longest 60 seconds of my freaking life! Week 2 was running 90 seconds and walking 2 minutes 3 times during the week. Eventually, you make your way to running for longer stretches and the walking time decreases.

When I started getting a little more serious about my running, Kathleen asked if I wanted to run a 5k with her in (wait for it) JANUARY! At the time, I was in denial and thought, how bad can it be? But that was something like 3 months before the date of the race and no snow had hit the ground yet. We seem to forget how bad winter can be in this little corner of the world.

Waking up Sunday morning, my worst fear came true: it was cold outside! I know, in January?! No! What a shocker! Sarcasm aside, it wasn't just cold...it was freaking cold! -22C WITHOUT windshield! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Kathleen called me in the morning to confirm that we were still going...we convinced each other that we had to try. We only headed outside to stand at the starting line like 2 minutes before the start of the race. At one point, Kat turned to me and said something like: There is a fine line between brave and crazy. She thought we were crazy. I couldn't disagree with her.

By the first k, I was warmed up. By about 3.5k, I wished I was never born! I remember turning to Kat and demanding to know, rather emphatically, where the 4k marker was. Once we hit the 4k mark, I knew I could finish...and I did. I ran the whole thing! It was amazing and I'm so proud of myself. I set a goal and I achieved it. My time did not matter (45:45 BTW...slightly faster than the people walking it but who's counting...). What mattered was that I did it. I continue to surprise myself. I'm much tougher than I think I am.

The nice people at the Richmond Road Race were nice enough to serve us lunch (inside - thank GOD!) after the race. Best soup of my life!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Why I'm Fat

Okay, so I'm fat. I'm on my way to not being fat but I'm not there yet.

From as far back as I can remember, I've had a weight problem. If I really try to pin point an age when I started being overweight I would probably say 8-9 years old or in 3rd grade. That's a lot of history to overcome 20 years later.

So, why did I become a fat kid and eventually a fat adult? No clue about the kid part. Honestly, I don't know. Unlike everyone else who has been very overweight and gone on TV or written a book, I have no childhood drama to speak of. By most people's standards, I had a great childhood. Yes, my brother has cerebral palsy but I believe that his influence made me a better and more empathetic person. I have two parents who love me and, not only told me so, but demonstrate it all the time...still to this day.

So, why am I fat? Honestly, I don't spend too much time thinking about it. There's not much point in wasting energy on that. There is also no point in wasting time and energy on feeling sorry for myself.

For the last two years, I have put my time and energy into doing something about it. I'm better, happier and healthier for it.

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Thursday 5 January 2012

My Ode to Kettlebell

If you don’t know what a kettlebell is, you’re not alone! However, you don’t know what you’ve been missing all your life. Just to educate you, here is what kettlebells look like.

As you might have guessed, they are used for exercise. Now, I’m not suggesting that everyone go out and buy themselves one. I firmly believe that you need instruction to start off or you may find yourself with a big, heavy cast-iron ball landing on your head. It’s also not very beneficial if you only use it as a free weight so learning the techniques from a certified kettlebell instructor is the way to go.
If you are interested, there are courses given in a few gyms in the Ottawa/Gatineau area. I attend four classes a week (Yes, four cause it’s AWESOME!) at KTK. Here is the website if you’re interested: http://ktk.ca/
*BTW, KTK did not pay me for this. I pay them for the right to come to classes. I only promote them because of my experience there.*
I discovered kettlebell through a co-worker of mine in November 2010. In my blog entries to come, I will probably mention him a few times because he has been one of my biggest supporters through this process. Dave, I am so thankful that you told me about this! I had been going to the gym for a while and was getting bored with it. I needed something new. Kettlebell was something new alright!
I was so nervous before my first class! But I went, I learned, I moved and two days later…I was in SEVERE PAIN!!! OMG it was awful! Now, I DID NOT hurt myself. The pain was muscular. My legs were mush. I had to fall onto the toilet or into a chair. Leg muscles that I never knew existed were screaming at me. All that pain told me one thing: I was doing something right.
I went back and I kept going back. I am so much stronger for it. I’m not necessarily recommending this exercise for everyone.  I think the moral of my story is, find an exercise that you love and brings you a sense of accomplishment.
Today, I amaze myself by what I can do during a class…things I never thought I’d be able to accomplish. 1000 swings in one evening…now that was amazing! I’m going to have a separate blog entry for that one.
However, what I’m most grateful for is not the physical stuff. I’m most grateful for the incredible sense of family that it has brought to my life. It honestly makes me cry when I think of all the people I do kettlebell with who, not only give so much of themselves on the mat, but also give so much to me. I realize that a lot of my strength comes from within. But I wouldn’t be nearly as strong without Karine, Isabelle, Mélanie, Évelyne, Pierrette, Youness, Josée, JP, Bruno…and of course our fantastic instructors Dave, Marc-André and Yves.  Life would not be as loud, intense, funny, sweaty and fit without them.
I hope they know how much their support means to me and how much it helps me persevere to attain my weight loss and fitness goals. I also hope that they know how much richer my life is with them as a part of it.


Tuesday 3 January 2012

My first workout

I remember my first workout with a bit of a coy smile. I smile because I was a mess! It was February 2010 and I remember being so nervous when I showed up at the gym. I was the fat girl in a sea of in-shape people, or at least, that's what I thought at the time.

After a quick stretch (which I now know is somewhat pointless - that's another blog entry as well...), I remember getting on an exercise bike...and getting off panting after 20 minutes. It was so much harder than I had thought! I wanted to die. Of course, I didn't. And I was back two days later for another short workout.

I'm not intending this blog as a place where I give advice to people who want to get in shape and lose weight. What I detail here is my experience. I have absolutely no expertise on how to do this except for my own experience. However, if I were to give a piece of advice to a very overweight person starting an exercise routine (after consulting with their doctor of course), it would be to start slow. 20 minute workouts of light to medium intensity exercise.

As you might expect, within a few weeks, the 20 minutes on the exercise bike wasn't hard anymore. Quickly, I had to up the resistance and during of my cardio workouts. It's amazing how fast it happens!

Monday 2 January 2012

2 years later...

So, two years after I've started this journey, I've lost 75lbs. Woohoo for me! Although, I'm proud, I say that with that with a bit of sarcasm. Frankly, I've thought I'd be further ahead. You see these weight loss commercials and watch The Biggest Loser and you think: If I just start moving a little and watch what I eat, the weight will just melt off.

Yeah, no. Maybe for other people but not for me. I must have the slowest metabolism in the history of the world. Oh, yeah and there's the food thing...which is another blog entry in itself.

Most of the time, I can see the positive and be happy with all I've accomplished. The road ahead is long but managable based of what I've done so far. But there's always that voice of doubt. Once and awhile, I look at what I've done and I think, that's it? Really? REALLY?! And I have how much left to lose? HOW MUCH?!

Right now, I'm a little down about it. Blogging helps though so I think I'll keep going.

Where title came from

The title of my blog was and is my weight loss goal. I saw a nutritionist something like 12 years ago and she told me to have a realistic goal. She said that, based on my bone structure and my body shape, I was never going to be a BMI perfect 130-140lbs. You know that old joke about being big boned? Well, it's actually true cause I'm it. As my friend Kathleen says, I have a fat skeleton. Great, another part of me that's fat...

Anyway, the nutritionist said that a more realistic goal would be 165-175lbs. I decided to pick 175lbs as my goal, mainly because it is 10lbs less than 165lbs!

Now, I can heard my friend Dave now, it's not about the number on the scale! It's about making healthy choices and the weight will come off. Yeah yeah, I know. But I want to see the number on the scale go down damnit!!!

175lbs is somewhat arbitrary, I grant you. I may get to 185lbs and feel like I'm good that's enough. Or, I might get to 175lbs and feel like 165lbs is now doable. It's a GOAL and I think it's attainable. But, only a fool doesn't change his or her mind, so I reserve the right to change my goal whenever I see fit.

My First Blog Entry

In the beginning, there was me, Sarah, a 28 year old wife to Matt and mom to 2 year old Sam. The kicker was that I was over 300 lbs...309 to be exact. I was fat, obese, huge, or whatever awful word goes with being overweight.

Sidebar: Is there an uglier word out there than 'obese'? And I don't mean the meaning of the word. I mean the sound of it. It just sounds greasy. I hate it.

It was January 2010 and I was done. I was done being this lazy person who didn't do anything. I was joining the gym! And the seas parted and I lost weight super fast like on those weight loss commercials, right...?

Ah non.

It's just not that easy. In fact, two years into my weight loss journey, I can say without a doubt that it's way harder than I ever thought it would be.

I never thought that I would write a blog about my journey. This subject is intensely personal and telling people my weight isn't something I like to do. The reason I decided to start writing is due to the suggestion of my friend Diane.

Ah Diane...supportive to a fault! My Scrapbooking Divas (Yes, I scrapbook. Mostly with 3 women, Diane, Natalie and Nathalie. We call ourselves the Scrapbooking Divas...that's a whole other blog entry) and I we were talking blogs. Natalie and Nathalie each had one to document their scrapbooking adventures. This is when Diane suggested I should write one about my weight loss.

I initially brushed off the suggestion. I didn't have time for a blog! I barely have time for TV (still one of my favourite things to do - watch TV) let alone a blog. Then Christmas 2011 happened...

I had every intention of being good. I wasn't going to eat too much...Yeah, that didn't happen. Now that the new year has started, I'm having trouble getting motivated again and getting back into routine. I'm hoping that writing this blog will help to get and stay motivated.

We shall see...