Sunday 15 January 2012

Why I'm Fat

Okay, so I'm fat. I'm on my way to not being fat but I'm not there yet.

From as far back as I can remember, I've had a weight problem. If I really try to pin point an age when I started being overweight I would probably say 8-9 years old or in 3rd grade. That's a lot of history to overcome 20 years later.

So, why did I become a fat kid and eventually a fat adult? No clue about the kid part. Honestly, I don't know. Unlike everyone else who has been very overweight and gone on TV or written a book, I have no childhood drama to speak of. By most people's standards, I had a great childhood. Yes, my brother has cerebral palsy but I believe that his influence made me a better and more empathetic person. I have two parents who love me and, not only told me so, but demonstrate it all the time...still to this day.

So, why am I fat? Honestly, I don't spend too much time thinking about it. There's not much point in wasting energy on that. There is also no point in wasting time and energy on feeling sorry for myself.

For the last two years, I have put my time and energy into doing something about it. I'm better, happier and healthier for it.

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