Monday 2 January 2012

Where title came from

The title of my blog was and is my weight loss goal. I saw a nutritionist something like 12 years ago and she told me to have a realistic goal. She said that, based on my bone structure and my body shape, I was never going to be a BMI perfect 130-140lbs. You know that old joke about being big boned? Well, it's actually true cause I'm it. As my friend Kathleen says, I have a fat skeleton. Great, another part of me that's fat...

Anyway, the nutritionist said that a more realistic goal would be 165-175lbs. I decided to pick 175lbs as my goal, mainly because it is 10lbs less than 165lbs!

Now, I can heard my friend Dave now, it's not about the number on the scale! It's about making healthy choices and the weight will come off. Yeah yeah, I know. But I want to see the number on the scale go down damnit!!!

175lbs is somewhat arbitrary, I grant you. I may get to 185lbs and feel like I'm good that's enough. Or, I might get to 175lbs and feel like 165lbs is now doable. It's a GOAL and I think it's attainable. But, only a fool doesn't change his or her mind, so I reserve the right to change my goal whenever I see fit.

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